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Friday, January 17, 2014

Side Effects of the Microgrid for the Youth Group

The project has given the Lwemodde Youth Group a lot more notoriety. This is very beneficial to them so they can build contacts but also to give people the opportunity to join their group if they want to. I think that is good for anyone because the group spreads information about important work related subjects such as crop management and farming techniques. They also discuss critical information about combating HIV and they can direct people to many services to help with a very large number of issues. Locally, they provide much more programming, information and public entertainment than all levels of government in the area.

Recently, a group which provides financial aid to villages came through to inspect different leadership teams. Their goal was to find groups that are highly active and well run in order to have some assurance of the money being used well. The grid also helped them demonstrate a very wide spread presence. The funding committee was very impressed at all of their work and so I think the group will simply continue to grow.
Preparation to amass the Lwemodde Youth Group in front of the funding committee. (Ignore the USAID tarp, this is just clever reusing.)

In session.

Their next ambitions actually are to get a printer and photocopier in their shop. There are multiple schools in the area and local council units which must travel to Kalisizo (30 minute motorbike ride away) to get such services. They believe it would be very profitable to run this service and would definitely save lots of travel for people.

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