We've been back to Malembo a couple times this week and last, installing more lights (two monsters of lights too, one we had to cross the main road to reach and had to construct a legitimate telephone pole, and the other was just pretty far away), setting up a second measuring circuit, and just generally checking up on things.
All in all, things are going well and Alex's record-keeping is impeccable. In two days time we'll have been lighting Malembo for exactly a month, so the first round of profits will be paid back to the LYG (Alex is on a monthly payment plan).
A cool surprise from Alex. He constructed this so he only has to run two lines to the load box instead of two for every phone and it's a much neater operation this way! |
Our new lights. |
One of the biggest changes is that Mahadi was unable to find the same lights as before, which means we have to deal with both differences in current drawn and light provided. These lights draw more current and are brighter than the first round of lights that we installed, drawing 220 mA each. So far, nobody has complained that their light isn't as bright as their neighbors, but we'll have to wait and see what happens. They still can fit onto the 300 mA fuses that we've been using, so that shouldn't be an issue. Obviously, in an ideal world the lights would be uniform and standard, but if there's one thing that we will absolutely not be able to prevent once I leave it's circumstances like this, one type of light is unavailable or more expensive so members opt to buy a different one. The main thing I made sure is that before installing each light we measured its current usage, so hopefully this becomes habit and just as a check each light is properly measured and rated.
Hi ho, hi ho. It's off to work we go! |
Running the wires. |
Precarious perches. |
Who would we be without our broad fan-base? Apparently lights-watching is a popular activity in Malembo. |
You'll have to look carefully, but our first real power line crosses this road, the main road into Malembo. It had to be high enough to allow the big trucks that carry fish out of Malembo on a regular basis could pass. |
Wire problems. |
The power line! |
Raising the wire. |
Mo' contracts, mo' money! | | | | |
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