Our first day in the lab and we have (in addition to testing the basic functionality of our solar panel-battery-solar charge controller system) made a To-Do list for the remainder of the prototyping process:
Debugging: how do we make it very clear when
something has failed, and what has failed?
Relative efficiency of different phone chargers:
is it worth it to use different charging mechanisms/switchboard?
Lights: what wires work best (efficiency over
Housing: how will we package the node? How do we emphasize modularity?
Layout: record the schematics of our circuitry,
what things connect to what.
Deployment: moderate stress testing with
· Outputs: range of current/voltage output for overcast/full sun days, time to charge battery augmented by drawing charge during the
· Outputs: range of current/voltage output for overcast/full sun days, time to charge battery augmented by drawing charge during the
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